Adoptee therapy and counselling

Do you know of an adoption-competent therapist near me?

Here are some adoptee therapists we know about*:

Gilli Bruce: Adoptee, adoption researcher, therapeutic integrative counsellor, coach, training consultant and retreat host working across the adoption triad and specialising in supporting adoptees. Email:

Alison Knight, adoption-competent and an adoptee:

David Benjamin, adoptee and therapist and EMDR practitioner:

Dr Carol Sadler:

Tia Terefe:

Melissa Lomas (not adopted) Adult adoption support counsellor (Trained with the Albany Centre and Barnardo's Link), Person-centered counsellor, yoga teacher and creative.  Offering face to face and online appointments. Email or text on 07853817888.

Diane Pedder adoptee and qualified counsellor, registered with BACP. “I hold an MA in Psychotherapy and Counselling from the University of Leeds and my research was a study of my personal history and the impact of adoption. I am based in Leeds but am able to work with adults throughout the UK online.” Email

Please mention How To Be Adopted when you get in touch with the therapist!

You can also contact PAC-UK and Barnardo’s.

As of December 18th 2023 adoptees can choose any counsellor, even if they’re not registered with Ofsted. It’s always worth checking what experience they have with adopted people (not adoptive parents!). If in doubt, ask for a recommendation.

In the US or elsewhere? You can check the excellent AdopteesOn resources.

*Disclaimer: Please recognise that we cannot legally recommend anyone’s services or be responsible for any outcome. Always do your due diligence.

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